Installation skills of plum coupling

Time: 2015-10-28 08:32 Author: XINLAN Coupling Click:
Botou XINLAN Coupling Co., Ltd. provides plum blossom coupling installation skills. The application range of plum blossom couplings is becoming more and more extensive. However, many machinery industries are not very clear about the key and filial issues of how to install plum blossom couplings.

 Provided by Botou XINLAN Coupling Co., Ltd.Plum couplingInstallation skills, the use of plum couplings is becoming more and more extensive, but many machinery industries are not very clear about some key and filial issues of how to install plum couplings.Let the technicians of Botou XINLAN Coupling Co., Ltd. introduce to you:

1. The first is to check that the work must be in place. Before installation, check whether the prime mover and the working machine are not concentric, whether there is wrapping paper and bruises on the surface of the two shafts, and the two half couplings of the plum blossom coupling Whether there is debris in the inner hole, whether there is a bruise on the edge of the inner hole, if any, the shaft and half coupling should be cleaned up, and the bruise should be treated with a fine file.Then check whether the inner hole diameter and length of the two half couplings are consistent with the diameter and shaft elongation of the prime mover and working machine.In general selection, it is better to let the length of the prime mover and the working machine end half coupling be less than 10-30mm of shaft elongation.
2. Secondly, in order to facilitate the installation, it is best to put the two half couplings in the 120-150 incubator or oil tank for preheating in advance, so that the inner hole size increases and it is easy to install.After installation, ensure that the shaft head cannot protrude from the end face of the half coupling, and it is better to be flush.Detect the distance between the two halves of the coupling: take the average of the 3--4 readings measured along the two inner sides of the flange of the half-coupling, and the sum of the measured dimensions of the extension and the two diaphragm sets. The error is controlled within the range of 0-0.4mm.
3. Install the bolts: insert the bolts from the outside of the small hole of the flange, pass through the outside of the large hole of the other flange, put on the buffer sleeve, elastic washer, twist the nut, and tighten the nut with a wrench.If the installation is unsuitable or dismantle and replace without damaging the shaft and half coupling, it is better to rotate freely after installation.
4. 找正:用百分表检测两半联轴节法兰盘端面和外圆跳动,当法兰盘外圆小于250mm时跳动值应不大于0.05mm;当法兰盘外圆大于250mm时,跳动值应不大于0.08。
5. Instructions for operators: Before starting the equipment, check whether the nut of the torx coupling is loose or falling off. If so, tighten the nut with a wrench in time.
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