HTTP error 404.0-Not Found

The resource you are looking for has been deleted, renamed, or temporarily unavailable.

The most likely cause:

  • The specified directory or file does not exist on the Web server.
  • The URL is misspelled.
  • A custom filter or module (such as URLScan) restricts access to the file.

Things you can try:

  • Create content on the web server.
  • Check the browser URL.
  • Create a tracking rule to track failed requests with this HTTP status code and see which module is calling SetStatus.For details on creating tracking rules for failed requests, clickHere.

Detailed error information:

Modules   IIS Web Core
notification   MapRequestHandler
Handler   StaticFile
error code   0x80070002
Requested URL   http://www.gear-coupling.xyztag/dsshjslzq_40_1.html
Physical path   d:\freehost\hbyslzq\web\tag\dsshjslzq_40_1.html
Login method   Anonymous
Login user   Anonymous


This error indicates that the file or directory does not exist on the server. Please create a file or directory and try the request again.

check the detail information"