Heating furnace heating method and electric induction heating method of coupling

Time: 2012-09-01 09:10 Author: XINLAN Coupling Click:
Heating furnace heating method and electric induction heating method of coupling

CouplingThe heating furnace heating method and electric induction heating method:

       In the installation and construction process of large equipment couplings, gear couplings are sometimes used. The shaft hole of the coupling and the motor shaft are fixed by a keyless connection. The general weight is a few tons, and the interference is also measured with the motor shaft. More than 1, ordinary methods cannot be used, because the coupling needs to increase the temperature, and the methods that can meet the temperature rise are furnace heating and electric induction heating, but because there is no heating furnace on site, it is conditional to meet the electric induction heating assembly Coupling.

      The advantages of the electric induction heating method are: easy temperature control, convenient operation, uniform expansion of the workpiece, environmental sanitation during heating, high thermal efficiency, and clean surface of the workpiece, which is suitable for heating large parts.

       When the oxygen-acetylene flame heating method is used to heat small parts or parts of larger parts, the method is simple, but requires more skilled technology to prevent overheating and burning the parts.For large couplings, multiple oxygen-acetylene flame heating and torch heating can also be used in combination, and the effect is very good.Although the electric heating method is a better heating method, its use at the installation site is limited due to the need for special equipment. However, the electric induction heating method can still be considered for selection.The electric induction heating method used on the large and medium-sized couplings at the installation site is to pass the working frequency (50Hz), low voltage and large current through the induction coil.Under the same conditions and the same material, the current frequency f is inversely proportional to the current penetration depth δ.

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